Train-the-Trainer (TOT) sessions under the YEEP Project in Liberia

During the period February  – April 2019, the Cadena team has implemented different train-the-trainer (TOT) sessions to support the job-readiness component under the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Project (YEEP) in Liberia. The TOT sessions have been provided to University of Liberia student affairs staff, department heads and steering committee representatives, as well as to selected high school teachers (included in the pilot programme). The TOT covered three main topics to mention; Job Readiness, Work-place Based Learning  and Career Guidance. In addition Employability skills training has been provided to students of the University of Liberia who now have been placed with different employers and companies. The team continues to support intern placement, monitoring and follow-up; including employer mentoring to improve job readiness services as an active labor market initiative aimed to reducing unemployment.

Cadena Anniversary!!

Cadena Anniversary!!

We are delighted to announce that Cadena idp has reached a new milestone today; we are now 12,5 years in operation! Even during these challenging times we live in, we are happy that we can continue our work, although be it mostly home-based. Of course, we could not...

Successfull completion of UNESCO-Malawi project

Successfull completion of UNESCO-Malawi project

Cadena IDP and project partner INDESON Gmbh have successfully completed the project titled: ‘support to revision of harmonised curricula within construction level 2-3, introduction to revised curriculum and technical upskilling of construction instructors’. A project...