Science & Mathematics in Senior High Schools

On the 23rd of November 2015, a contract between the Ghana Education Service and Cadena was signed concerning “Consultancy Services for Strategic Advisory for Science and Mathematics in Senior High Schools”.

The objective of this consultancy is to provide high-level technical guidance and support for a period of two years for Science and Math teaching and learning improvement in Senior High Schools under the “Secondary Education Improvement Project (SEIP)”. This support includes in-person and remote advisory services to decision-makers and policy-implementers within the Science Education Unit of the Ghana Education Service and other relevant units in the Ministry of Education.

The consultancy will assist key implementers to oversee, manage, and implement activities related to Science and Math quality improvement. The support would focus on incorporating international best practices and innovation as well as specific, technical input on types of tools and content to be implemented.


Cadena Anniversary!!

Cadena Anniversary!!

We are delighted to announce that Cadena idp has reached a new milestone today; we are now 12,5 years in operation! Even during these challenging times we live in, we are happy that we can continue our work, although be it mostly home-based. Of course, we could not...

Successfull completion of UNESCO-Malawi project

Successfull completion of UNESCO-Malawi project

Cadena IDP and project partner INDESON Gmbh have successfully completed the project titled: ‘support to revision of harmonised curricula within construction level 2-3, introduction to revised curriculum and technical upskilling of construction instructors’. A project...