We are pleased to announce that our team of nine key experts and 3 regional coordinators completed the Regional TVET Qualifications Framework for Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania (RTQF-EKT) and harmonised 44 occupational standards in the ICT, Transport, Power and Leather sectors.

Our team has been working intensively with the Inter-University Council for East Africa (the Regional Facilitation Unit for the World Bank-funded East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP)) from May 2021 to July 2022. During this period numerous consultations with a wide variety of TVET and industry stakeholders in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia took place to accomplish the above.

The RTQF-EKT was adopted by the three countries on 26th of May 2022. The RTQF-EKT focusses on qualifications for technical and vocational professionals at all relevant levels, applies to all forms of TVET (formal, non-formal and informal) and all modes of delivery. The RTQF-EKT makes referencing and comparison of levels of qualifications across the countries possible and eventually can serve as an instrument to harmonize TVET occupational standards, curricula, assessment, and certification systems in the East African region.

The RTQF-EKT development process has considered the existing National Qualifications Frameworks of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. Currently, the RTQF-EKT is applicable to the three initial EASTRIP countries and in a later phase, it may be adopted by the wider East African region, serve as a point of reference and as a beacon for the further development of TVET in East Africa and beyond.

Among others, the Regional Flagship TVET Institutes (RFTIs) will use the RTQF-EKT as an instrument to guide the development of learning programmes in the various sectors. These learning programmes shall be based on the 44 model occupational standards which are harmonised at regional level.

For more information contact Cadena IDP or visit the IUCEA website: https://www.iucea.org/east-african-countries-adopt-regional-tvet-qualifications-framework/

Workshop to adopt the RTQF-EKT and the 44 occupational standards, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Team providing information and process feedback