Photo of Mastercard Foundation

The Ministry of Education (MoE) of Kenya receives support from the Mastercard Foundation for the TVET and TVET Workforce Blueprint project to articulate a long-term strategic vision that will guide and influence TVET reform and development over the next 10 years (2020 to 2030). The Blueprint project is one of the Mastercard Foundation – Young Africa Works programs (for more information, please visit:

The TVET Blueprint will seek to answer the central question: What actions are needed to maximize the impact of TVET on skilling the Kenyan people for greater socio-economic development,’ with ample attention to equity, gender and ICT in education. In addition to the TVET Blueprint, also a National TVET Workforce Blueprint will be developed that will provide guidance to workforce development in line with the TVET Blueprint. Together these two Blueprints will inform the Government of Kenya, the Mastercard Foundation as well as other TVET stakeholders and donors in improving the quality of education based on current and future labour market needs and thus foster youth employment.

Cadena, together with Dalberg, provides technical assistance and high-level support for the Blueprints including:

  • Development of a concept paper that provides an overview of the different TVET stakeholders, main challenges, threats, strengths and opportunities that will allow for coherence amongst the stakeholders and which will also provide guidance to jointly determine the TVET priority areas.
  • Development of a National TVET Blueprint based on an in-depth TVET situational analysis.
  • Developing an economic outlook report which will provide overall insight in the current and future priority sector trends and skills requirements to support employment, growth and increased productivity in these sectors. The economic outlook will provide sector specific workforce development (including gender related) recommendations.
  • Focusing on the in-depth analysis of skills requirements, identification of the skills mismatch and the identification of appropriate and detailed workforce development strategies and interventions that lead to employment generation addressing the mismatch between TVET and the labour market.

During the kick-off meeting with representatives from the Ministry of Education and the Mastercard Foundation, we discussed their expectations as well as joint implementation modalities and time frames.

This project is off to a well-planned start!