For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract Cadena is immediately looking for a Public Health Specialist / Evaluation Team Leader (Cat I) for the new mission “Mid-term Evaluation of ‘Strengthening the Nigerian Health System towards Achieving Universal Health Coverage (HSS)’ Programme” .
The expert should have the following minimum professional qualifications and expertise:
Qualifications and skills
- Master’s degree in Medicine or related fields, Health Financing/Economics, Public Health, Social Sciences or Economics.
- At least 12 years’ experience and technical expertise in Health Financing, Public Health, Health Systems, Public Finance Management, health policy and strategy development, Strategic planning, monitoring and evaluating health systems
- Experience with capacity development projects as per guidance provided by the “EU backbone strategy” (http://ec.europa.eu/development/icenter/repository/backbone_strategy_technical_cooperation_en.pdf) and the “Guidelines on “Making technical cooperation more effective”” (http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/how/ensure-aid-effectiveness/documents/guidelines_on_tc_finale_en.pdf).
- Familiarity with international standards and methods regarding health financing and health reforms
- Familiarity with contractual and tender procedures;
- Minimum of 3 years’ experience with EDF programming procedures will be an asset;
- Proven field research and report writing skills;
- Creative ability to identify practical solutions to overcome challenges to time-critical projects;
- Excellent interpersonal skills to relate to counterparts on all levels of hierarchy;
- IT literate, very good data-processing knowledge, and of office automation software;
- Experience in communication, negotiation and dialogue at high level.
Professional experience
- Professional experience in a developing country(ies) and demonstrable knowledge of the political economy of health including health insurance;
- Professional experience in leading missions for project evaluations demonstrated by leadership of at least 3 missions;
- Demonstrated ability to analyse political contexts, interact, and negotiate effectively with multiple interests at the political level;
- Demonstrated ability to provide sound methodological and technical advice and guidance to government and multiple stakeholders and partners;
- Language skills: proficient in English Language.
For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here:02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-1159
Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at jobs@cadena-idp.com, on or before Wednesday 3th December 16:00, preferably in the following format: CV EU-Format .
Job Features
Job Category | Expired |
Start date | 01-02-2021 |
Working days | 35 days |
Duration | 70 days |
Location | Abuja, FCT Nigeria |
Deadline submission CV's | 3 December 2020 |