Cat. 3: Junior Education Expert
Posted 3 years ago

For the Lot 4 EU Framework Contract Cadena is immediately looking for a Junior Expert in Education for a new mission titled “Feasibility and scoping study: Education Technology for better Teacher Development”.

The specific objective is to support the EU Delegation in identifying potential entry-points for formulating an evidence-based, feasible and relevant action in the area of EdTech and teacher development, in line with the EU’s strategic priorities in Bangladesh in the period 2021-2027. The added-value of EU’s involvement in this area should be clearly demonstrated.

The expert should have the following minimum professional qualifications and expertise: 

 Expert category: Cat. III (>3 years of experience)

  • Qualifications and skills required: Master’s degree in education, social sciences, public administration, economics or other relevant field (or in the case of a Bachelor’s degree, additional 5 years of relevant professional experience).
  • General professional experience: At least 12 years of professional experience in working in the education and/or professional development sector, preferably in EdTech, instructional design, content development, capacity development, teacher development or equivalent.
  • Specific professional experience:

– A minimum of 3 years’ experience in research design, execution and analysis in the relevant field;

– Experience in Bangladesh and/or other South Asian countries will be considered a strong asset;

– Evidence of scholarly research and publication in the relevant field will be considered an asset.

  • Language skills:

– Proficiency in English & Bangla – Excellent facilitation and communication skills

– Excellent analytical, conceptualisation and report writing skill


Indicative starting date of the assignment: 14/01/2022

Indicative end date: 14/05/2022

Duration of the assignment 120 Day(s)

Minimum number of working days: 45 days

Location: the place of the assignment is Dhaka, Bangladesh with a possible field visit outside of Dhaka, based on the requirement arising during the inception/desk phase

For more information about this assignment you can download the ToR here:02-TermsOfReference-SIEA-2018-7800

Interested experts are kindly requested to contact us and submit their CV at, before Thursday December, 2nd at 23:59 CET, preferably in the following format: EU CV Template







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Job CategoryExpired

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