by cadena | Sep 1, 2022
Cadena IDP is shortlisted for the GIZ tender “Promoting Employment and Entrepreneurship in Turkana West”. The assignment covers output 2 which aims to improve the access of young people to target group-oriented employment promoting qualification measures....
by cadena | Feb 21, 2023
This assignment is part of the World Bank funded Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP). For the “Consultancy Services for the Development of Competency-based Training Packages for Twenty-three (23) Trades,” Cadena is immediately looking for a Ghanaian Team Leader (i.e....
by cadena | May 3, 2023
Les principaux objectifs de cette évaluation sont de fournir aux services de l’Union européenne concernés, aux parties prenantes intéressées : une analyse indépendante globale de la performance du PAPSII en accordant une attention particulière à ses différents...
by cadena | Oct 17, 2024
For the Lot 12 EU Framework Contract, Cadena is immediately looking for an Human Development Expert (in the domain of education and health) for the following mission: “Support Services to the EU Programme Inclusive Societies in LAC: Social Dimension of the EU-LAC...
by cadena | Nov 25, 2020
Objectifs de la mission : Le diagnostic doit permettre au Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle (MEFP) et aux Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) d’obtenir les informations clés en termes de capacités organisationnelles (statut, missions,...