Curricula development activities at BWI in Kakata, Liberia ongoing

Currently the Cadena team continues with the development of curricula for three selected courses at Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Liberia. The curricula for Plumbing is ready for validation, while the curricula development for Poultry and Catering courses will be initiated this week. The team applies the DACUM approach and works closely with sector experts for the occupational profiles, and with BWI curriculum developers and teachers to prepare the curricula, assessment tools and teaching and learning materials. In advance of the curriculum development activities Cadena implemented an Skills Needs Assessment Report to determine the selection of the three occupations.

These activities are just some of the many activities Cadena is implementing under the YEEP (Youth Entrepreneurship and Development Project) in Liberia.  The Cadena involvement covers two year technical assistance and support activities, which have been initiated in March 2018.

Cadena Anniversary!!

Cadena Anniversary!!

We are delighted to announce that Cadena idp has reached a new milestone today; we are now 12,5 years in operation! Even during these challenging times we live in, we are happy that we can continue our work, although be it mostly home-based. Of course, we could not...

Successfull completion of UNESCO-Malawi project

Successfull completion of UNESCO-Malawi project

Cadena IDP and project partner INDESON Gmbh have successfully completed the project titled: ‘support to revision of harmonised curricula within construction level 2-3, introduction to revised curriculum and technical upskilling of construction instructors’. A project...