We are pleased to announce that Cadena IDP, Devotra and Murishi Limited have signed a contract with Kenya Electricity Generating Company (PLC) (KenGen) for the development of a Master Plan to upgrade the KenGen Geothermal Training Centre (GTC). This assignment falls under the Eastern Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP). EASTRIP’s objective is to increase access and improve the quality of TVET programs in selected Regional Flagship TVET Institutes (the KenGen GTC being one of them) and to support regional integration in Eastern Africa.

For the next 3 to 4 months our team of 8 experts will work closely with the KenGen / GTC team and TVET authorities in Kenya. Our team will among others undertake a labour force survey/assessment combined with curriculum review and benchmarking activities. On that basis the expert team will subsequently develop a policy framework, physical facilities structure and equipment (procurement) plan, training and accreditation plan, marketing strategy, business model, sustainability plan and implementation strategy that will guide the GTC’s development and future growth. Altogether, the Master Plan will help the GTC to develop into Centre of Excellence in Energy Technology that will ultimately help ensure the supply of a sufficiently sized and skilled labour force that meets the demands of modern energy industries in Kenya and the wider region.