Cadena is pleased to announce the completion of the 3 year skills and employment project in Liberia. Despite the current challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic, our team managed to finalize the production of the project documentary video – while adhering to the necessary Covid-19 restrictions and protocols – to successfully complete the assignment. It was a pleasure working with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MYS), Booker Washington Institute (BWI), University of Liberia (UL) and the YEEP PIU. The work was efficient and effective thanks to an excellent cooperation of the team of consultants and YEEP-PIU leadership and staff. The staff of UL, BWI and MYS was highly motivated and committed to the project objectives and contributed greatly to the success of this project.

Under the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Project (YEEP), Cadena offered consulting services for: (1) Skill Development for Employment (2) Job Readiness Program (3) Institutional Support to the Ministry of Youths and Sports to ensure quality control, monitoring and evaluation, sustainability of the project.

YEEP is part of a broader support scheme to countries to address specific enterprise-level challenges to private sector development, including skills shortages, difficulties in accessing finance, lack of scale, value chain gaps and weakness. Through YEEP, Cadena has been able to contribute to building a more competitive private sector in Liberia by strengthening the capacities of selected tertiary institutions that will design and deliver entrepreneurship and employment generation programs.