On the 7th of October Cadena has signed a new contract granted by the Italian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Under the SINCE project “Stemming Irregular Migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia”, we were awarded with the contract “Case Studies on SINCE Programme” which is funded by the European Commission.

The purpose of this contract is the production of four case studies, one for each of four pre-identified strategic topics; (i) the creation of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) among TVET institution, PES and private enterprises, (ii) the strengthening of Public Employment Services (PES), (iii) the promotion of Decent Work within the private sectors, (iv) the promotion of Apprenticeship schemes. The aim of these case studies is twofold:

  • the case studies should systematize what was achieved by the different SINCE grant beneficiaries, with particular focus on the lessons learnt;
  • the case studies reports should draw recommendations on policy development and future interventions.

The expected results would be:

  1. Analysis of SINCE financed projects and systematization of experiences and lessons learnt, the case studies should focus on the strategic topics, and on the lessons learnt in different aspects such as (i) policy framework, (ii) project environment, (iii) design, (iv) impact, and (v) sustainability and replication.
  2. Recommendations for policy makers and the Community of Practice concerning (i) policy strengthening, (ii) design of new initiatives replicating the promotion of wage employment, and (iii) partnerships between complementary actors.

Together with our Ethiopian Partner Frontieri Consult  activities have already started this week and the assignment will be completed by the end of December 2019.