Cadena IDP and project partner INDESON Gmbh have successfully completed the project titled: ‘support to revision of harmonised curricula within construction level 2-3, introduction to revised curriculum and technical upskilling of construction instructors’. A project funded by the European Union as part of the Skills and Technical Education Programme (STEP) in Malawi which is partly implemented by UNESCO.

This project began in April 2019. Cadena and INDESON were contracted by UNESCO to revise and develop standards for curriculum, deliver approved curricula workshops for assessors and inspectors, Training of Trainers, mentoring and supervision of TEVET instructors for various trades, namely Bricklaying, Plumbing, Electrical installation, Carpentry and Joinery and Painting. Throughout the process the private sector was actively involved and more than 500 instructors, assessors, verifiers, inspectors, TEVETA staff and Ministry of Labour, Youth, Sports & Manpower Development staff were trained.

We are proud and thankful to have been able to support UNESCO during the implementation, thus contributing to the upgrading of the concerning TVET courses under the STEP.