Foundation AERES Group received a grant under the Dutch  Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) – Institutional Collaboration Projects. The grant is awarded for the project ‘Strengthening Agriculture TVET Teacher Training in Kenya and the Netherlands’ . The project start date is 01 June 2019 and end date is set on 31 December 2021 .

For the current OKP proposal a unique partnership has been established between AERES (Dutch Lead Firm), TVETA, Egerton University and KTTC. This partnership is furthermore supported by the Ministry of Education – State Department of Technical and Vocational Training 3 ATVET Institutes in Kenya, Kenyan and Dutch private sector and MDF (in cooperation with Cadena in the Netherlands).

The proposal provides for ATVET teacher training improvement and strengthening at Higher Education and TVET level. This will be achieved through;

  • Teacher training curriculum improvement (including in-service and pre-service programmes).
  • Agriculture training curriculum improvement (at different levels).
  • Design and implementation of ATVET teacher training traineeship programmes
  • Capacity building of teachers and trainers (pedagogical, didactical and technical skills).
  • Institutionalization and strengthening of the collaboration with private sector
  • Improve quality assurance mechanisms and strengthen TVETA.

Key concepts embedded in the approach and above interventions are CBET, ICT and blended learning, 21st century learning skills, entrepreneurship development, gender sensitiveness, and GAP (including innovations, value chain, and climate smart agriculture) responding to labour market needs, sustainability and the establishment of long-term partnerships.

Cadena, will support the curriculum development process and TVETA on quality assurance systems and frameworks, use of ICT and partnerships with the private sector, defining and detailing these specifically for the (A)TVET teacher training and traineeship/ workplace based learning programmes.