TVET Authority quality assurance presentation held in Kenya

On June 12th the Cadena team presented the draft Quality Assurance Framework designed for the TVET Authority in Kenya to a large group of TVET stakeholders. The event was attended by around 100 participants from different education institutions and agencies such as CDACC and KNQA. Also participating and chairing were the Principal Secretary for TVET Kevit Desai, AfDB representative (funding the assignment), and the TVETA Board Members.

New project  Uganda

New project Uganda

The Government of Uganda and the Ministry of Education and Sports have recently given Cadena and our partner Mamza Consulting Ltd, the opportunity to start the OPEC funded project "Consultancy Services for Provision of Skills & Institutional Management Capacity...

Cadena involved in a new EU FWC.

Cadena involved in a new EU FWC.

We are pleased to announce that Cadena IDP (as partner) and IBF International Consulting (as lead firm) signed a 3 year contract with the European Union under the lot 4 EU Framework Contract last month. The mission titled ‘Assistance technique au démarrage et suivi du...