The workshop for TVETA staff under the AfDB TVET for Relevant Skills Development Phase II Project was completed successfully at the end of June. As stated by consultant A. Reisch: “The trainings were a full success and the TVETA staff seems to be much more committed now than before. We got a lot of good feedback. Some of them came from their inspection field work and regretted that they could not participate.”

During the trainings, feedback on the manuals was collected and incorporated, including the approval procedure for assessment centres (1), the TVETA audit checklist for QA audits was reworked using the manuals and handouts (2), the guest speaker from KEBS agreed on ways forward in national TVET standards development (3) and a training audit was conducting using the freshly developed audit tool in the Boma Business & Hotel Management School.

Cadena was present during the stakeholder meeting on 12 June to present the QA work of TVETA and the manuals. The event had around 100 participants from different education institutions and agencies such as CDACC and KNQA. Also participating and chairing were the PS Kevit Desai, AfDB representative, the TVETA Board Members  and a number of other important TVET stakeholders. It was again a stunning success. Several participants personally expressed their satisfaction with it. It was reported that these were “excellent documents” and also the TVETA Board Chairman praised them as very important.

All stakeholders seemed to be tuned in to finalize and publish the manuals and therefore, TVETA proposed to go into a finalization session next week in Naivasha, where the feedback from the stakeholder meeting was incorporated and the manuals scrutinized.