What we do

Cadena International Development Projects was established in 2008 in response to the increasing demand of international communities, governments, financing agencies and companies to find sustainable solutions for challenges faced within international development projects. Cadena, meaning “network”, has the purpose to assist public and private sector stakeholders in project development and project implementation in cooperation with a variety of international companies, by providing technical assistance as well as (teacher and staff) training programmes for secondary education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Agriculture Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) projects. These projects typically relate to education reforms aimed at bridging the skills gap, improving the quality and relevance of training and supporting national governments to set up the necessary structures and mechanisms to coordinate and monitor the TVET sector. To achieve those ends, we usually first carry out a situational (labour market) analysis and/or training needs assessment (TNA) to align education with current and future labour market needs and qualification/quality standards, as well as to inform our training and capacity building activities.

During projects, Cadena contributes to the project implementation. This implies that we monitor ongoing project activities, solve any problems that may occur and adjust activities to stay in line with the final project objectives, goals, needs and requests of our clients. Other responsibilities include backstopping and coordinating preparations for field missions and providing human resource management, training of project personnel, financial management and logistic support. Our services can be provided for projects financed by amongst others local governments, the African and Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, specialized UN organisations, non-governmental organisations and private companies.

Through the implementation of long-term education and training reform projects in various African countries, such as Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Sudan, Zambia, and Zimbabwe we have built up a large network of partners and experts that support our activities. Within our network, we work closely with Centres of Excellence, Technical Training Institutes, Knowledge Centres, consultancy firms, as well as education equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Through our unique partnerships, extensive knowledge, expertise, network and track-record related to the improvement of educational systems, we can ensure that our projects are built on coherent and sustainable solutions for education and training improvement. Our projects are based on the needs of government, TVET institute management, its students and most important the needs of the local labour market ensuring that skills “supply” and “demand” are harmonised. By taking into all different perspectives and requirements, we ensure that we offer both relevant as well as sustainable solutions for quality education and training equal to European standards.

We are continuously in search of new development projects for which we can offer our services. When we see a chance, we bring the brightest minds together to write an ultimate project proposal, in which we either focus on consultancy-, training- and/or project management services or we bring all our strengths together and prepare a turn-key solution in cooperation with our partners!

Consultancy to improve technical secondary education, TVET, and ATVET, including topics such as policy development, strategic plans, human resource development, Education Management Information Systems (EMIS), Quality Assurance, National Technical Vocational Education and Training Programme Qualifications Framework (NTVET QF) i.e. national and/or international accreditation/certification, Competence Based Education and Training (CBET), curricula, institutional development and capacity building initiatives for line Ministries and other sector stakeholders. Besides, Cadena, on behalf of different public and private entities, has the expertise to develop/design complex turn-key education projects in which various components such as supply of education and general equipment, renovation of classrooms/workshops, teacher and staff training programmes and specific technical assistance are integrated.

Training for Secondary School and Science Education, Vocational Education and Training (VET), Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET), including training needs assessments, training programme design, management and coordination of tailor-made training programmes for teachers, staff, education managers and government representatives



January 29, 2008
Januari 2008

Januari 2008

Establishment of Cadena for the development of turn-key projects, mainly in the MENA region. Key activities revolve around the design of technical vocational education and training projects, and the formation of consortia for the implementation phases.

July 1, 2010
June 2010

June 2010

The successful design of the turn-key TVET project in Kenya results in the implementation of technical assistance and (teacher) training components in East Africa

July 1, 2012
July 2012

July 2012

Cadena continues to expand its activities in the Southern African region, and Agriculture TVET is added to the company’s portfolio.

March 3, 2013
March 2013

March 2013

 In addition to the turn key project development activities, Cadena’s starts to actively participate in the international tender business. As such, the company expands the TVET consultancy to West-Africa.

August 1, 2013
August 2013

August 2013

Cadena now has a presence in TVET and ATVET in East -, West -, and Southern Africa in the field of ATVET and TVET.  In addition Cadena embarks on the implementation of secondary science education projects, with a focus on supporting biology, chemistry and physics teachers

December 1, 2015
December 2015

December 2015

Our work in secondary education is further enhanced with consultancy services covering science as well as the improvement of  secondary school mathematics education.

December 1, 2016
December 2016

December 2016

Our area of expertise continues to expand, and Cadena supports the design and implementation of ICT in Education, covering both secondary as well as TVET.

June 1, 2017
June – July 2017

June – July 2017

In addition to science, and mathematics also the improvement of secondary school English language is added to our portfolio.

March 1, 2018
March 2018

March 2018

With all our expertise and knowledge in the TVET and secondary schools education systems, Cadena continues to build on this expertise by providing support in Job-readiness and career guidance services at secondary, TVET and Higher Education levels.

May 1, 2018
May 2018

May 2018

Cadena start working in the TVET sector related to the upcoming Oil and Gas sectors in the various African countries. Main focus is on the development of local content and introduction of international standards in TVET.

June 1, 2018
2018 and Beyond

2018 and Beyond

The company further expands its presence in the education and training sector world-wide, as a partner of a successful consortium for the implementation of the EU Framework Contract Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 for lot 4 Human development: Education, Culture, Health, Vocational education and training, Research & Innovation.



Cadena believes that optimizing human capacity and exchanging knowledge is the key principle of successfully completing international development projects, therefore, our people work passionately together to deliver tailored technical assistance and teacher- and staff training programmes, while upholding our core values.


Our vision is to enlarge our key geographical areas of expertise in which we provide training and consultancy services and be THE company for support and implementation of development projects concerning secondary education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Agriculture Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET).


We, at Cadena, are dedicated to accomplish our mission and vision by staying close to our core values.

Negotiation | Passion | Initiative
Flexibility | Expertise | Responsibility
Realistic | Collaboration 


The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) or Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) is a multilateral development finance institution. The AfDB was founded in 1964 and comprises three entities: The African Development Bank, the African Development Fund and the Nigeria Trust Fund. The AfDB’s mission is to fight poverty and improve living conditions on the continent through promoting the investment of public and private capital in projects and programs that are likely to contribute to the economic and social development of the region.

The Mastercard Foundation works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and in indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. It is one of the largest, private foundations in the world with a mission to advance learning and promote financial inclusion to create an inclusive and equitable world. The Foundation was created by Mastercard in 2006 as an independent organization with its own Board of Directors and management. 

Young Africa Works is the Mastercard Foundation’s strategy to enable 30 million young people, particularly young women, across Africa to access dignified work. Africa will be home to the world’s largest workforce, with 375 million young people entering the job market by 2030. With the right skills, these young people will contribute to Africa’s global competitiveness and improve their lives and those of their communities. The Mastercard Foundation will implement Young Africa Works in 10 African countries in collaboration with governments, private sector, entrepreneurs, educators, and young people. The first phase of countries identified by the Mastercard Foundation are Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Nigeria.

With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership that encompasses five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.

The Bank works to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, the Bank helps improving health and education, and advance infrastructure. Its aim is to achieve development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way by providing loans, grants, and technical assistance and conducting extensive research.
UNICEF is a United Nations agency mandated by the General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, help meet their basic needs, and expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Founded in 1946 to provide emergency aid to children in the aftermath of the Second World War, UNICEF became a permanent member of the United Nations
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) is a State Corporation established under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act, 2013 that was Publicized in a Special Issue of the Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 44 (Acts No. 29) on 25th January 2013 and commenced on 24th June 2013. The TVET Authority Board was appointed on 9th May 2014 through a Gazette Notice No.. 3134 and inaugurated on 4th June 2014. The mandate of the Authority is to regulate TVET sector through Licensing, Registration and Accreditation of   institutions, programs and trainers.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Kenyans access quality and affordable, school education, post-school, higher education and academic research. Its vision is to maintain a globally competitive education, training, research and innovation system for sustainable development. Its mission is to provide, promote and coordinate quality education, training and research; and enhance integration of Science, Technology and Innovation into national production systems for sustainable development.
The Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education (NICHE) is a Netherlands-funded development cooperation programme. The programme is being phased out, so no new projects will be initiated. Current projects will be completed by 2022. NICHE projects contribute to economic development and poverty reduction, by sustainably strengthening higher education and technical and vocation education and training (TVET) capacity in partner countries.
The Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council accredits curriculum developers, assessors, verifiers and assessment centers. The Council is mandated to undertake design and development of competency based curriculum for TVET and coordinates competence assessment through the established assessment process. The qualifications levels are determined by the Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQA).
In Zambia Agriculture plays a key role of supporting industries by the production of the required raw materials , producing exportable agricultural goods, generating employment particularly in rural areas, as well as providing food stuffs essential for the sustenance of acceptable nutrition standards and levels. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock aims at being a committed, focused and proactive institution that provides quality agricultural goods and services which assuring food and nutrition security, increased incomes and contributing to poverty reduction.
Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) is a national body set up by an Act of Parliament of the Republic of Ghana to co-ordinate and oversee all aspects of technical and vocational education and training in the country. Our major objective is to formulate policies for skills development across the broad spectrum of pre-tertiary and tertiary education, formal, informal and non-formal sectors.
We are the Ministry that administers the system of primary and secondary school education in Zimbabwe. We formulate and implement policies on education structure, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment, and we oversee the management and running of all schools in the country.